Why Organic?

 All farmers face similar challenges: providing adequate nourishment for their crops, controlling weeds, and protecting their plants from diseases and pests.

Organic farmers not only use different tools to address the challenges of raising our crops, we have a different philosophy. We use environmentally friendly alternatives to the synthetic herbicides, fumigants, fertilizers, and highly toxic insecticides used in conventional agriculture.

Understanding How Nature Works Instead of Relying on Chemicals

A common misconception about organic farming is that it lacks sophistication or science. Some people think that organic farmers just put seeds in the ground and let nature take its course. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Organic farmers need a thorough mastery of ecology and soil science. Modern organic farming techniques use environmentally friendly alternatives to the synthetic chemicals used in conventional agriculture. We balance soil enrichment, cover crops, beneficial habitat, and crop rotation to ensure soil fertility and control weeds and pests.

Organic farming has 5 basic functions:

  • Fertilization: building nutrient-rich soil without chemical fertilizers
  • Weed Control: controlling weeds without synthetic herbicides
  • Disease Control: growing healthy crops without fumigants
  • Pest Control: controlling harmful insects without synthetic pesticides
  • Organic Certification: what it takes to be certified organic. Organic certification for our farm is provided by the Fraser Valley Organic Producers Association.

Two EE's Organic Produce uses a variety of environmentally friendly methods to grow healthy crops without relying on synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.

Our Promise

  • Our produce is grown without synthetic pesticides. We do not use any synthetic herbicides, fumigants, or fertilizers.
  • Organic farming helps protect our air, soil, water, and food supply from potentially toxic chemicals and other pollutants.
  • Our produce is never genetically engineered or modified, and is never irradiated.
  • Organic farming conserves natural resources by recycling natural materials.
  • The organic way of farming encourages an abundance of species living in balanced, harmonious ecosystems.

Our produce is grown with a concern for the things we all value — the health of our families, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the future for our children and generations to come.